
Lopeman-Potts Post 67, Bridgton, Department of Maine



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Post 67 Adjutant William (Bill) O'Neil

Term of Office: 2022-2023

Bill Moved to Bridgton in 1973 after serving in the U.S. Navy. He was a member of RVAH-14, a reconnaissance air squadron which flew the RA5c Vigilante that was attached to CV 67, the USS  John F. Kennedy.

Bill joined The American Legion in 1974 and is a graduate on the Department of Maine Legion Collage. Bill has  served as the Disctric 2 JAG , and is currently the District 2 Adjutant. Bill has also served as the Chapter 67 Riders Director and is currently the Chapter 67 Road Captain. 

Among his favorite activities are Motorcycling, hunting & fishing.